Warm up in the cold season with our Brussels sprouts soup with balsamic lentils


for 4 - 6 people, preparation time approx. 60 min

600 g Brussels sprouts
50 g onions
1 clove garlic
40 ml Rapsöl mit Butteraroma (vegan)
500 ml Schlagfix universal whipping cream
600 ml water
1 g nutmeg, ground
Sea salt fine to taste
Soup stock
140 g Brussels sprouts, trimmed
50 ml Wasser
½ Stk. Zwiebel, weiß
10 ml Rapsöl mit Butteraroma (vegan)
Pfeffer & Salz nach Belieben
Balsamic lentils
60 g beluga lentils
180 ml water
40 ml balsamic vinegar, dark
5 ml Rapsöl mit Butteraroma
1 sprig thyme
25 g birch sugar (xylitol)
Sea salt fine to taste
Brussels sprout chips
80 g outer Brussels sprout leaves
150 ml Rapsöl mit Butteraroma (vegan)
Sea salt, fine
½ bunch parsley



Brussels sprouts, Brussels cabbage, in Austria also sprouts and cabbage sprouts as well as lat. Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera (also called "Rosenköhlchen") is a vegetable and a variety of vegetable cabbage from the cruciferous plant family. On a tall stem (50 to 70 cm), buds (leaf florets) form in a spirally ascending, dense arrangement, which are located in the leaf axils, at least in the upper area.

The cut florets, which have a green-white colour and a diameter of 10 to about 50 mm, are sold under the name "Brussels sprouts" (in Austria "Kohlsprossen", otherwise also "Sprossenkohl").

Brussels sprouts are a biennial plant. If the florets are not harvested, then after overwintering they sprout into shoots in spring, which bear flowers in summer.

Harvesting and recycling

Early varieties can be harvested from September onwards, but the main harvesting season is in November and December. You pick the florets carefully from the bottom to the top of the stalk. Brussels sprouts are hardy in many areas. In very cold areas, overwinter the whole plants in a sheltered, shaded area outdoors. Repeated frosts below -10 °C are very damaging to the florets. Brussels sprouts are tasty as a salad and cooked as a vegetable and are excellent for freezing. Brussels sprouts contain many minerals and fibres as well as vitamin A, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).


Den Rosenkohl gut waschen und von den äußeren unschönen Blättern befreien (aufheben für die Chips). Die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch pellen, alles in grobe Würfel schneiden und mit dem Rapsöl leicht anschwitzen und mit Wasser auffüllen. Für ca. 15 min. köcheln lassen, anschließend die universelle Schlagcreme hinzugeben und fein pürieren. Mit Muskatnuss und Salz abschmecken.
Soup stock
Finely dice the onion and sauté lightly with the oil. Halve the Brussels sprouts and add with the water, simmer gently until the Brussels sprouts are cooked, season with salt and pepper.
Balsamic lentils
Gently simmer the Beluga lentils with the water and thyme until the water has evaporated. Add the balsamic vinegar and birch sugar and simmer as well. Add the rapeseed oil and season with salt.
Brussels sprout chips
Wash the Brussels sprouts well and spin dry (salad spinner). Heat the frying fat to approx. 140°C and fry the Brussels sprouts in it until golden yellow.