Kritharaki Salad with vegan Greek chili
- 250g Kritharaki Noodles
- 1 shallot
- 1 bell pepper red
- 1/2 cucumber
- 20 black olives
- 7 green pickled peppers
- 70g tomato and bell pepper paste
- 2x160g vegan Greek chili
- 150ml water
- 1 Teaspoon Sugar
- 1/2 Teaspoon chili flakes
- 1/2 Teaspoon bell pepper powder
- 1/2 Teaspoon salt
- 3 level tsp salt (for pasta water)

Boil the kritharaki in about 1.5 l of well-salted (3 tsp) water, pour through a sieve, rinse briefly under cold water and place in a larger bowl.
Then dice the cucumbers, shallots, hot peppers and 1 block (160 g) of Vegan Greek. Here it should be noted that the veta cubes should not be too small, so that they do not disintegrate too much. The olives are now cut into slices. Then immediately add all the chopped ingredients to the warm pasta and fold thoroughly.
From the tomato bell pepper paste in combination with the 2 block (160 g) of vegan Greek, water, 0.5 tsp salt, sugar, paprika powder and chili flakes is now pureed to a cream and this is then thoroughly mixed with the salad. So that all flavors can soak through & develop optimally, the salad should soak through at best 2 hours before consumption.
After seasoning again with salt, pepper & sugar, the salad can already be enjoyed with, for example, grilled vegetables.