VEGAN THROUGH THE DAY - vegan pumpkin-apple soup for the cold season
Recipe suggestion by Carsten Kuschel
Preparation time: 25 minutes + 2 hours, People: 4 - 6
2 tbsp rapeseed oil with butter flavour (vegan)
1 pc. Onion, large
1 potato
1 tbsp curry
750 ml vegetable stock
2 tbsp turmeric
40 g ginger
500 g Hokkaido pumpkin flesh
2 peppers
1 fennel bulb
2 apples
1 bay leaf
300 ml Schlagfix whipping cream universal
2 tablespoons brandy
Sea salt, fine
1 pinch of sugar
some lemon yoghurt
50 g rocket
5 tbsp rapeseed oil with butter flavour

"Vegan durch den Tag" is the newly published cookbook about Schlagfix (ISBN: 978-3-7374-0251-4, 208 pages, €19.90). In it, twelve prominent chefs show you which creative recipes you can easily prepare yourself with our Schlagfix products.
Carsten Kuschel has been a self-employed chef for more than 12 years. He has loved good food since he was a little boy. He originally studied agriculture and thus laid the foundation for his cooking career. After all, if you know how ingredients are created, you can process them more consciously. His culinary thirst for knowledge led him first to Palermo in Italy, then via France and Holland to London and Mallorca. He also travelled the world on the AIDA and gained experience.
Carsten Kuschel thinks that cooking strictly according to a recipe book is overrated, because he misses the personal touch of the chef. So a little freestyle is always part of his programme.
The correct use of spices is particularly important to him, because they give the food the right touch - naturally - without flavour enhancers. He wants to show the cooking students and all those interested the simple and good cuisine and simply make them happy with his food. He is not only concerned with classic dishes - sushi, fork buffets and finger food also enjoy a high priority with him.
After more than ten years with his own restaurant, the professional decided on a new path. Because he needs direct contact with the guests, he became an event chef. Since then, his skills have been seen on RTL and VOX, on MDR and in many cooking schools as well as at countless live caterings.
Basic fund
Cut all the ingredients for the stock into small pieces if necessary, put them in a pot, simmer for two hours and reduce by about half.
Dice the onion and sauté in rapeseed oil. Cut the pumpkin, apples, fennel, peppers and potatoes into cubes and add to the onions. Add the spices and mix everything together. Then deglaze with the stock, add salt, sugar and bay leaf. Bring to the boil briefly and then simmer over a low heat for approx. 20 minutes. Remove the bay leaf and puree the ingredients in a blender. Heat again on the hob and add the Schlagfix universal whipping cream. Season with brandy and serve with a little lemon yoghurt.
Wash the rocket and pat dry. Heat the rapeseed oil and fry the rocket leaf by leaf in a pan for about ten seconds.